Friday, March 22, 2013

This Time

Yeah I know this time is not the right time to do this, still stay awake in midnight and doing nothing like a foolish. 25 days left to face it, a test I should do before I left high school. And, it's like....omg.......I've not to say this word. Ok, I wouldn't say that...........okay, i can't. It isn't okay for me to hide it just think and think and think then act like there's nothing happen to you without any conclusion how to solve and heal it at least by myself. For whom has already passed this-pra-UN-thingy, you may understand how hard you trained those 6 subjects, let your self well-prepared of them, do a lot of latihan soal, blablabla. Then that time will come and yourself are getting complicated.

There's always a time when you're getting bored or tired. There's always a time when you'll need a shoulder to lean on. There's always a time when you'll take risky things of your choice. There's always a time when you need someone will hear your blabbering even the unimportant one, at least just hear then giving you a little smile. I have to learn those things by myself when there's actually no one will. As writing can help me a little bit, then, here I am, writing this a nanokilo thoughts of my mind.

Anyhow, I think, everyone is busy to chase what they've to chase too. So do I. Being independent is key that everyone should be by the time like this and that's what I've to used to it. I also think that I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz's lyric is such a reminder to whom with tiredful mind like me 'cause of it I will think how bad I want things I won't give up with and back to the reason why I want to get those things. I get the answer: I want it so badly because a lot of reason. Moreover, they're worth to try and I'm really curious with it. So, Daebak!

K. Enough ya del curhatnya. It's 1:33 AM, by the way. Well, Goodnight!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Jadi ceritanya senin depan gue udah US a.k.a Ujian Sekolah, yang terakhir pula *bercucuran air mata* terus sekarang juga udah sekitar H-36 UN (rajin bgt gaksih ngitungin ginian wkwk). And, time flies fastly, dude...

Terus barusan gue abis baca suatu artikel di  dan gue tersentuh sebagai pelajar SMA tingkat akhir. Nih, di artikelnya ditulis gini,
"Di Indonesia kita belajar supaya dapet skill khusus yang nantinya skill khusus ini bisa kita pake buat kerja supaya dapet duit. Singkatnya inti dari pendidikan Indonesia tuh itu. Ternyata yang gue liat di sistem pendidikan luar negeri tuh konsep pendidikan berjenjang. Ada memang jenjang praktis buat mereka yang akhirnya sekedar belajar buat dapet skills practical untuk akhirnya dipake untuk dapet duit. Tapi di top Universities, pendidikannya beda, tujuannya bukan itu. Karena tujuan pendidikan di top Universities ini nantinya menciptakan orang-orang yang emang menciptakan pekerjaan, jadi top leaders, top businessmen, top engineers, top scientists, dll."
"...pendidikan seharusnya menyiapkan orang untuk siap seumur hidup, hidup di dalam suatu kualitas, untuk menciptakan kualitas secara terus menerus dalam 30-50 tahun kehidupan di masa mendatang. Nah, ya kita harus punya dasar yang kuat banget, karena hidup ya sayang aja kalo ga ada misi." 
Disitu dibilang kan kita belajar selama ini buat cari duit. Dan emang bener, fakta. Hidup butuh uang. Entahlah, kenapa gue agak miris ya kalo dibilang belajar untuk cuma cari uang. Padahal seharusnya, ya itu, pendidikan membuat kita lebih mudah siap hidup di dalam suatu kualitas. Kualitas disini mencakup kecerdasan, kreativitas dan karakter. Pada dasarnya sih pasti balik ke pribadi mereka masing-masing tujuan hidupnya apa. Tapi kayaknya hidup itu sayang banget kalo diabisin buat cari uang aja kan ya. #azek

Nah! Disini nih yang bikin gue makin tertarik untuk belajar lebih tentang hidup dan jadi buat gue semakin ingin untuk melalang buana. Wiiii sedaaap:")

Btw, kemarin pendaftaran SNMPTN juga udah ditutup kan, jadi makin semangat dan berharap untuk bisa jadi geologist + mahasiswi UGM. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I do wish that on the next 28 May 2013 i'll be the one of those who pass through SNMPTN. And  I really really hope it'll become real! Aaamin! Jadi, siapa pun, orang yang gak sengaja mampir, orang yang sengaja mampir *lah emg ada del*, orang-orangan sawah(?), orang....ya...pokoknya orang dah! (-_-) yang liat tulisan ini, doain della yah! Semoga bisa tercapai:""") Amin amin amin amin amin! Live while we're young!! :)