Friday, December 24, 2010

What's happening on my 2010?

2010. Tahun ini bisa diibilang tahun keberkahan bagi gue. Kenapa? Allah S.W.T ngasih gue NEM yang memuaskan. Jauh dari ekspetasi gue:'') Alhamdulillaaaaaaaah! :-) Kedua, gue masuk SMA favorit. Dan banyaaaaaaaak lagi keberkahan-keberkahan yang gak bisa diungkapin saking banyaknya.

Gue bersyukur bgt dapet temen baru yang baik. Tapi, gue bersyukur juga masih bisa bercanda-canda sama temen SMP gue. Gue kangen bgt sama mereka. Hikssss.
Di tahun ini pula, gue ngerasain banyak gejolak hati. Ea. Wuih berat bahasanya. Biasalah, ababil. Abg labil. Akakka-_- tp, it's mean useless for me. Menye-menye gitu ah. Selama masih ada temen knp harus menye-menye? iya gak? Udah, iyain aja biar cepet.

2010. You're so awesome. So sad to leave you out. 2011 will come in and change you. I hope, on next you I'll get better in behaviour, intelligent, love, life, aaand everything about me. I get what I want like I've got this year. Amin. May God blessed all my way:-)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Freedom of 48!

 Remedial? Done. Freedom? Done. What's next? Classmeeting!!!!!!! Yeay! Better than daily routines of school. Yeah \m/ Yeah!!!

Ehiya, blm cerita tentang Freedom ya? Freedom kepanjangannya adalah......Freedom of 48 Relaxation. Itu pensi sekolah gue. Yak. Gak tau pensi itu apa? Ok. I'll tell you Pensi itu Alat buat nulis. Eh itu mah pensil. Krik. Gak deng, Pensi itu Pentas Seni. Iya, ini acara closing lomba2 sekolah gue juga. Jadi kayak acara puncaknya gitude hahahah and me? As the decorating crew:-)

Iya, gue yg ngedekor. Lumayan seru sih, tp mayan capek juga. Nambah pengalaman lah~ Tentu aja gue harus nginep di tempatnya yg adalah di Popki, Cibubur. Tempatnya suitable kok. Gede pula, gak gerah pula. Tp...musholanya kekecilan-_-_-_- wakakakkaka iya cuma muat berapa org doang buat sholat. Hari jum'at gue udah mulai2 ngedekor. Dan saya diharuskan untuk menginap dan kerja malam. Ehtapibukanngejabsye-_- Iye buat ngedekor lah. Bareng Maudy, Nia, Fathya, Dara, Maria, Kiki, Dea, Raras:-) We're great team!

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010. This is the day!!!! Ini hari yg gue tunggu setelah 3 bulan rapat ginian mulu. Btw, acaranya membuahkan hasil! Berhasil! Success! We did it, Yeay! Dora The Explorer(?) -_- Buanyakkkkk bgtttt yak pengunjungnya. Di luar dr ekspetasi gue:') dan Maliq sm BLP berhasil buat gue melting.

Another happiness I've found in this high school:-D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A: ''Hey! I'm not single anymore!!!! Yeaaaaah!!!!!!''
B: ''Ah enak bgt sih lo. Pengen deh. Bosen single nih. Gak ada penyemangat!''
A: ''Sini! Temen gue ada yg jomblo tuh;;)''
B: ''Kenalin ke gue dong!''


*updating twitter* @....... ''Aduh bete nih single''

Pasti dialog kayak gitu gak asing lagi kan sama kalian? Gue juga gitu sih hehe. Tapi kalo gua mah gak gitu ngomongnya. Cewek apaan gua ngomong kayak gitu-__---- Tapi gue ngambil yg umum aje yak buat ditulis disini.Yak. Posting kali ini diperuntukan untuk para jomblo-ers di seluruh dunia. Including me! Ha ha ha ha gue14 tahun dan gue masih jomblo dr orok. Alias blm pacaran. HAHAHA Ya, orang2 biasanya menemukan sesuatu yang tidak dapat mereka temui ketika mereka masih kecil. Yaitu, Cinta & Pacaran. Banyak kok yg udah mulai pacar2an dr kls 6 sd. w-o-w. Oke, kok gue mulai-mulai aneh nih ngomong Cinta. Gatau knp nih gue lg pengen ngomong ginian. Maklum gue ababil. Eh labil maksudnya.

Udah jadi hal umum tentang masalah ini. Pacaran. Yak. Mungkin penting bgt ya buat remaja-remaja tentang masalah ini. Banyak yang galau kan gara2 ini. Gue juga kok kadang2 cuma yaaaaaa gidude :p
Btw, gue bingung nih mulai dari mana........-_------

Ohiya! Remaja kan identik sama pacaran nih. Kita bisa menemukan pasangan-pasangan yang sedang kasmaran ini dimana2. Dari mulai kantin sekolah, Mall,  Bioskop, Restaurant, Trotoar, Toko2, Angkutan umum dan Toilet Umum lainnya  Tempat umum lainnya. Bagi orang2 yang jomblo ato enggak yang belom pacaran pasti mereka kadang2 iri sama temennya yang udah 'in a relationship' ya gak? Termasuk gue:-)

Dunia serasa meneriakkan 'You're fool! What a pity you are!'' Tapi.............gue selalu ngambil hikmah. Nilai gue masih ancur, kalo Allah S.W.T ngasih gue pacar, gimana nilai2 gue? I'm sure, bakalan lebih hancurrrrrrrr dari ini ya!!!!!! Ckckck mau gak dianggep apaan gue sama nyokap bokap? Terus, mungkin kalo gue pacaran, semoga cuma buat pertama dan terakhir. Amin! Gamau ah susah2 nyari orang lagi. Cukup satu dan serius *azekdah* Emang gua cupu. Emang gua gak gaul. Emang gua bukan cewek yg seneng ganti2 cowok. Biarin deh mau dikata gak gaul juga. Emang gua sangat kolot untuk masalah kayak gini. Yang penting gua nyaman,. Ye gak coy? Iya in aja biar cepet.

Ya emang sih, terkadang rasa keirian itu ada saat temen2 gue udah dapet pacar dan blablabla walaupun itu sedikit. Tapi, gue gak boleh iri. It's so childish! Pacaran itu bukan kebutuhan. Pacaran itu mengikat sebuah komitmen dari dua orang yang berbeda dan tentu aja itu sangat vital. Pacaran yang bukan cuma menye-menye-an unyu-unyu-an doang. Itumah apaan-_- Pacaran gak cuma bersenang2 pas Malem Minggu. Ada temen lo kan? Yaudah. Knp mesti pacar? Oke frontal gua. Maap yang kalo ada yang kesindir hahaha

Intinya, Pacaran itu bukan kebutuhan. C'mon guys, don't think that ur teenage life just spend to find ur new boy or girlfriend. Many thing and many more to do! Percaya aja, Tuhan ngasih nasib ke orang2 kan beda2. Jodoh, rezeki dan segalanya ada di tangan Allah S.W.T. So? Gak boleh iri. Gak boleh minder. Beda nasib. Beda giliran:-)

Believes in your self that God gives the best for you.

Lumayan deh, lega nih bisa cerita. That's it. See ya in the next posting! :-)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

According to me..........

I'm sitting on my bed, let the tv 'talk' with its own self and I look so serious with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. yeah, this is holiday, and let my self believe that i won't pretend that I enjoy this holiday. I let my self thinking of anything and keep dreaming for a few minutes. Keeping updates on my Twitter. I see my Timeline, there are so crowded. Yeah, my Timeline never get quite. They always keeping updates whenever and wherever............and so do I he he v-_-v I usually keeping updates on Twitter when my bored coming into my self, then i don't know what should I do soon. My Timeliines usually dominated by teenager. Emh i think not also dominted, but also ALMOST teenager is contain my Timeline.............and I am the teenager too absolutely.

Teenager. My brain directly thinks. What is Teenager? Who is teenager? Are everybody could feel the Teenager life? Yeah. My Biology teacher absolutely teaching me the phrase of human life. That is fetus, baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, eldery and d-i-e. Teenager. Teenager. Teenager. What's so special with teenager? Adults tell me that teenager life is never got forget and really memorable. In reality, it's absolutely right. I'm a teenager and I feel it too with my friends. And what's next? Teenager is a young adults. This phrase is where we feel the emotional turmoil. And I can prove it on my Timeline. 

The teenager(we) are have many difference feeling everyday and every second could be changes easily by someone or in one condition. We are teenager. We are young. We have many times to improve. We have many times to use something useful. We are spritfull. We are creative. We are innovative. We are friendly. Sometimes, we do what we want to do. We handle our feelings with something. But this is the problem. We usually do a bad action. Wasting our time. And your friend, environment, and habit could affect what you will be in the future. If you (especially teenager) is doing a bad things. You will be a BAD guys. FOR-E-VER. Unless you repent it quickly. If the teenager in Indonesia is already established by currently and have a well attitude. Our country (insyaAllah) could be a better country. I hope so....Amin.

P.S: Sorry with bad english. I'm learning and keep learning more. Sorry if my unimportant notes is disturbing y'll. One more, you'll never find this note in Google or books or anything. You could find it just on my mind. This is my opinion. Especially for the Indonesian teenager.Cheers :3

-Annisa Della Megaputeri

Just Wanna Memorize It ;)

My wish has been applied. Thankssssss God! Especially being here, be a student of 48 Senior High School.
First, after The National Exams. I got a loooooooooong holiday. I thought that it's a kind of quiet holiday. I just wake up, eat, online, fb-ing, twt-ing, chatting and again and again to spend my day. After that, the result of The National Exams has been released. And I'm really excited!!!!!! Whooooaaaaa :O 

Finally, I got the result. Let's say Alhamdulillah! But then there's dilemmas about choosing the Senior High School I'd apply. My Mama tell me that SMAN 48 Jakarta is a good school. So, I choose this school to my favs school next. Then Alhamdulillah! My wish becomes true! ThanksthanksthanksthanksGod!!!!! 

There're some of my friend that applied in SMAN 48 Jakarta. Yeah! There're Femi, Dara, Mustika, Bryan, Dian, Mae, Kiki, and Myself. Here, we start our journey to reach our dreams. To get our bright future. Amin! Let's spirit guys! :D

These are some picts of us. Being the new admissions in this school:

*server broken
ERGH! Well, I gotta upload it as soon as the server is well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's the first and will be continued.

Hello! What should I tell you first?
Okay, First, I'd like to say...Assalamu'alaikum! :-D

I'm a newbie in this entire blogging world. Lemme introduce myself first, I'm Annisa Della but my friends called me as Della. A-15-years-old-girl who interest in travelling, books, comedy, friendship, photograps, music, art, foods, somewhere beautiful. Here, I'll share stories about what I see, what I hear, what I think, what I feel, what I want to do, what I want to have, what I want to change, what I want to argue and another "what I..". Find out afterwards. People called this what? Journey. So, welcome to my journey!


Yours Sincerely,