Thursday, December 20, 2012

Called; Faith

Just remember this whenever you feel bad.. and tada! It successfully makes you feel better and get better. It charges you some energies to hold on again. Called; faith. :-)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Mendengar issue bahwa SNMPTN Tulis 2013 resmi ditiadakan, responnya? pastilah kaget! Disaat lo udah nyusun-nyusun arah dan mimpi lo, lalu dengan adanya kebijakan ini yang (fortunately or even unfortunately?) dilaksanakan tahun 2013, which is angkatan gue jadi 'boneka' dari kebijakan ini. Secepat itu kebijakan dibuat dan secepat itu kebijakannya diberlakukan, bikin responnya, fantastic baby! Belum lagi ada keharusan untuk memilih universitas yang satu wilayah sama SMA masing2 dimana sekolah gue termasuk wilayah DKI Jakarta yang notabene pilihan PTN-nya minim.

Jujur aja, gue blm ngerti dari sisi mana 'bijak'nya dari kebijakan ini. Tapi, apa yang harus diperbuat kalo ada peraturan baru kayak gini? Well, menurut gue ini malah ajang mengindikasikan seberapa kuat dan kerasnya elo untuk merealisasikan cita-cita lo. Serius apa enggak sama prodi yang dipilih. Kalo lo serius,  bismillah, insyaAllah ada jalan deh mau gimanapun rumitnya. :-)

So, mau tetep maju buat ngerealisasiin apa yang udah lo impikan apa cuma mau pasrah sama kebijakan ini? Another point is, kalo lo emang udah serius dan niat sekarang berarti hrs pinter2 ngatur strategi gimana kedepannya. Jangan sampe salah sasaran lalu sia-sia dan menyesal. Haha amit2 ya! Wish us luck, dearest 2013!! Yo, Man!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I used to look for my phone whenever I feel terrible or happy or write someting that I should learn of or remember of on my phone notes. You know, you might be hang on some person who you trust to tell what's your problem. But, your friend isn't always there whenever you need her/him. Then I have this note. At least I can write my feeling and discover some of my thoughts in my note. It's like healing from my bad feeling after I re-read my own feeling by myself. Then, be thankful and that bad feeling is suddenly gone. Now, there's no more. My phone is lost. Well, now, I certainly don't know where I'm supposed to write my feelings. Plus, now, there's no phone, no note. I'm feeling the worst feeling ever. Now, I know that note is always be my drug after God. Good to know that I don't lost my precious drug. I told ya, whenever you find yourself bad or feeling bad and don't know where to say, God is always there.

Oh yap, I'm really sorry for my friend yesterday I wasn't there, I know I disappoint ya. And you know, it also disappoint myself that I disappoint you. It's kinda bad.

Btw, cheers for me and wish me luck for my final exam! Go SNMPTN Undangan!